From Burned-Out, Overwhelmed & Underpaid, To Impacting More Patients, Reclaiming Your Time & STILL Earning a Great Living...

...Currently Working For 19 Different Healthcare Specialties Including PTs, OTs, SLPs, Chiros, Dietitians & More...


  • Our 3-step blueprint to help more patients than traditional 1-1 methods which means YOU increase your impact, freedom & earning potential. (It’s working in 19 different healthcare specialties right now)

  • The ‘3C Framework’ to start selling your expertise online on the side! You’ll see how what you do at work can be turned into simple products you can sell for life (almost on autopilot)...

  • How to gain more control over your time & NEVER sacrifice your health - once again finding joy and fulfillment in your profession!

  • How I sell my expertise with products starting at $27 - all the way to thousands of $. That means I can spend time with my family knowing I have an “employee” working for me 24/7/365.

  • Why you don’t need to be tech savvy or feel overwhelmed with website building, funnels, social media and all that. Trust me… Compared to your college curriculum this will be a breeze. We’ve got a lovely couple in their 70’s successfully using this blueprint.

  • The "Bridge Type" strategy to position, package & share your knowledge online so you become a thought leader in your field - admired, trusted and respected by both patients and peers…

  • Simple ways to attract more patients and help them all ONLINE. You’ll finally have the choice to do 1-1- sessions
    only IF and WHEN you want!

Meet Your Host...


Greg Todd

Physical Therapist & Entrepreneur

PT with 20+ years of experience and professional coach who’s helped over 1,000 PTs, OTs, Chiros, Dietitians (and 15 more healthcare specialties) start their first online business.

Greg's been featured in Men’s Journal, spoken at PTBIZCON, The Canadian Physiotherapy Association and is regularly invited to speak on stage and on podcasts about healthcare entrepreneurship.

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*Your results will depend on your level of diligence and other external factors. Examples are for illustration purposes only and not a guarantee that you will experience the same results. These client experiences are examples of past performance and not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary.